What does the school counselor do?
- Supports students social and emotional needs so that all students can be available for learning
- Provides individual, group and classroom lessons
- Meets with students to help solve conflicts
- Promotes social emotional learning, academic achievement, and career and college readiness
- Targets executive functioning skills (organization, time management, etc.), social skills, and emotional regulation
- Supports classroom teachers in developing classroom strategies that fit student needs
- Refers families to outside services for additional support
2023-2024 Office Hours
Monday, Tuesday 8:45-12:30
Wednesday, Thursday, Friday 8:45-4:15
Classroom Lessons
Classroom guidance lessons occur in each classroom as a class lesson once or twice a month, to enrich the social emotional learning already taking place in the classrooms. Team B and C students are surveyed at the beginning of the year, so that curriculum can be tailored to the needs of the students.
Look below to see what each class is learning this year.
Skills Targeted in Preschool/Kindergarten
Emotional Vocabulary
Identification of Emotions
Emotional Regulation/Coping Skills
Manners/Appropriate Behavior
Skills Targeted in Team A
Self Esteem and Confidence
Emotional Vocabulary
Identification of Emotions
Emotional Regulation/Coping Skills
Flexible Thinking
Positive Social Actions
Skills Targeted in Team B
Healthy Friendships
Self Esteem
Career and School Connection
Career Exploration
Skills Targeted in Team C
Knowing and Sticking to your Values
Social Pressure and Being Yourself
Bullying, Upstanding
Conflict Resolution
Laura Sorel, NCC – School Counselor
Contact Information:
(860) 455-9409 x112
Mrs. Laura Sorel has been working with students in different capacities for the last 15 years. She earned her Master’s degree in Educational Psychology from The University of Connecticut and is a state and nationally certified counselor. She has a strong background in classroom guidance, data-driven practices, and behavior management. She enjoys sharing her creativity and passion for helping all students achieve success in a safe, encouraging and structured environment.
Here are some ideas for non-screen activities you can do at home:
- coloring
- exercise
- board games
- reading
- write and illustrate a comic or a story
- arts and crafts
- home science experiments- check with an adult first!
- cook or bake- also check with an adult first!
- sing and dance to music
- play outside (when weather allows)