State of Connecticut – School Safety and Security Planning
Parent Handbook 2024-2025
Please Click the Photo Below For Family Resources
from the Connecticut State Department of Education
Click here for information on the Parent Bill of Rights for Multilingual Learners
School Readiness Updates
Register your child now for Pre-Kindergarten.
Please fill out and send in the following documents to secure your slot.
- Student Registration Form 2023-2024
- Copy of Birth Certificate
- Proof of residency- This can be a copy of your driver’s license, electric or gas bill, mortgage statement, or lease agreement contact the office if these do not apply to you.
- Most recent physical and Early Childhood Health Assessment Record
- A months worth of pay stubs for all working adults in the household (4 weekly paystubs or 2 bi-weekly paystubs)
- Family Fee worksheet Template 2023-2024
- The signature page of the School Readiness Handbook
Chrissy Stone – Pre-K
Learn more about Connecticut’s
Birth to Three System
by exploring these helpful resources
Development Milestones Information
or visit their website
IMPORTANT Information
New Entry Age for Kindergarten in Connecticut
Click here for Parent Information
School Hours
School Day Hours 8:45 am – 3:15 pm
Early Release Day ends 1:30 pm
School Office Hours 8:15 am – 4:15 pm
We ask that dismissal changes are done ideally in writing, however if you are unable to send a note with your child, please call or email the office no later than 12:00 Noon to ensure your child will be ready for pick-up in a timely manner. Thank you for your cooperation.
Parents, please remember to sign out your children when picking them up.
Only persons that are registered by the student’s parents/guardians, other than the parents/guardians, are allowed to pick up students. We ask to show Identification.
Thank you for your cooperation in keeping your child safe.
Student Trasportation
*Braman Termite and Pest Elimination Specialists conduct regular once a month or once a quarter service calls usually on the last Tuesday of each month.
Mailing Address
Hampton Elementary School
380 Main Street
Hampton, CT 06247